How to Keep Your House Clean with Kids

Shoes Off! 
Our shoes carry so much dirt, pollen, dust, mud, grass, etc. It's essential to kick them off first thing when you walk in your home. If this isn't already a rule in your house and you want it to be cleaner, this is my first recommendation. Your house will instantly become cleaner. (One note: if you or your family members run around barefoot all the time, including outside, in the yard, etc you'll have to take the time to clean your feet off our pour on socks or slippers before tracking that dirt into your home.)

Eat Outside!
This is one of my favorites because it's so fun for everyone to eat outside. Every meal (and snack) is a picnic! If you're tired of sweeping up after every meal, try this out! 

Less Stuff
It makes sense that having less stuff equals less to pick up, clean, and put away. Less stuff on tables, counters, shelves, etc means less to move in order to wipe, clean and dust. Less stuff on the floor means less clutter, less to move to sweep and vacuum. Less stuff, more peace! 

A Place for Everything
(and everything in its place) 
Once you've pared down, make this the golden rule of home tidiness! Every single thing in your home should have a place,and everyone should know what that place is. "Where does it go?" should be all you need to ask even young children. If they don't know, there's probably still too much stuff. 

Get the Kids Involved
Kids actually love to help out! Surprising, but true. Today I was dusting and JK was so intrigued she just had to help out! She ran and got a cloth and I just pointed out what to wipe down. 

10, 10, 30
(after bf, lunch and dinner)
Take 10 minutes to clean after breakfast, 10 after lunch, and 30 after dinner. Sweep, mop, wipe down surfaces, do the dishes. .. Again, get everyone involved! Also, make sure to close down the kitchen after dinner. Not only is it a healthy practice for everyone (no cheating, mom!) it's also a great way to make sure you wake up to a clean, happy, calming space. 

  I live and die by baskets. I have baskets for everything and I can NEVER have enough! I keep one basket at the bottom of the stairs for things that go up. I have one at the top of the stairs for things that go... (You guessed it!) down. I have baskets for quickly grabbing random toys that get strewn around the house. When leaning any room, I grab a basket and put anything that isn't in its place (remember the golden rule?) inside. Then I dust, vacuum, etc. Once I'm done, I find each item's place and put it back. If it doesn't have a home? It goes to the giveaway basket! 

  Having a schedule helps all areas of my life, including cleaning. I have a schedule for daily chores that I do throughout the week:

Monday - vacuum 
Tuesday - bathrooms 
Wednesday - trash 
Thursday - dust 
Friday - recycles
Saturday - sweep and mop 
Sunday - change sheets and do laundry 

These will be different for you and are only a guideline. I often do laundry more than on Sunday, but I make sure to pull off the sheets and wash those as well as towels that day.
On another note, having a basic schedule for your kids can keep them from wrecking the house too much. Some ideas? Coloring, outside play, go for a walk or bike ride, etc.
