
I am going to do Whole30.

I've been gluten-free for at least 5 years now, and I've dabbled in and out of Paleo for a while. I was never 100% but I fell of the wagon hard when I was pregnant. I craved ice cream and candy really bad, and whenever I'm stressed I use sugar, especially candy, as a stress reliever. And while I look at feel healthy, I know I need to stress the sugar addiction now before I give myself diabetes or some other illness. I also know I need to be a fabulous time model for my daughter.

So here's my plan.

What's in the cupboard?
I've got a lot of stuff to get rid of before I begin my journey. I have 2 bags of rice, 3 large boxes of cereal, 4 cans of evaporated milk, a jar of peanut butter (all unopened) in a box to donate. I've got some other stuff that's been opened that I'm writing my options on. Should I save it for JK? Am I my going to make her food that I won't eat or should I feed her basically what I'm eating? Should I eat this stuff before starting or just throw it out? It's very hard for me to throw away food even though I know I should. I'm considering putting everything I should toss in a box and seeing what I have left, then asking myself if I can reasonably make do with that food.

What will my new stress relievers be?
I am entering a new era in my life that is bound to be less stressful for me in many ways. I've cut ties with some really negative people and distanced myself from some other people who I cannot viably cut out of my life entirely right now. However, I know that stress will still come into my life from one source or another. So, since I'm ending the unhealthy method of relieving my stress with candy and junk food, what will my new stress relievers be? Here's what I'm thinking:

Working out (cardio and weight lifting)
Baths and steaming
DIY mani/pedis
Walking outdoors
Porch time
Doing my hair
Pampering myself
Art and writing

What are my triggers?
Obviously stress is one of my biggest triggers, but there are more...
TV (goal: limit to Walking Dead and Game of Thrones)
Being tired (sleep!)

Setting a deadline.
I am starting on move-in day, Saturday September 23, 2017, which leaves me 5 days to get rid of all the junk and also to prepare and research more.

I'll keep you all updated!
