Whole30 Round 1, Day -3

I've decided to do Whole30! I've also been really busy between work, JK, the move, etc, so while I've been researching as much as humanly possible, I haven't come across anything about what to do before you start the program. From what I know about Whole30, it would be something like...

"Don't overthink it. Decide on a date to start, preferably soon, and get to it. In fact, just start today by throwing out or hiding all non compliant food."

What I'm pretty sure they wouldn't tell you to do is to eat all the non compliant foods in your house before the start of the program.

But, that's what I'm doing. I know it's stupid, but it's like a compulsion. I can't throw it out, but I can't have it around, so I eat it. And it's bad.

My stomach hurts. I'm constipated. I'm also having random diarrhea between the constipation. I'm having cravings for foods I'm eating. Example: I ate a bunch of mini peanut butter cups and then later that evening wanted peanut butter M&Ms! I feel gross and fat. I'm soooo tired. Like sleep 8 hours and still want to do nothing but sleep.

In a weird way, it helps me really see what's wrong with the way I'm eating. Why do I have so much candy anyway? This cheese makes me feel bloated, fat, constipated and makes me break out.

But I also know it's going to suck that much more on Saturday when I quit. But still I do it. I did it when I quit gluten too, so I know it works for me. It makes me look back when I'm craving those foods and say remember how it made you feel?

For now I'm in total misery though. Wish me luck!
