Woohoo Mommy's Positive Affirmations for December

It's early December, a time which can be both stressful and joyful. The sun sets on our day far too early, yet we get the most gorgeous views of the stars at night. Preparations for the holidays can make us feel festive but also frazzled. Sometimes we wish we could give or do much more than we can. I know I often feel like I could use another hour or two (or 10) in a day. So I thought some positive affirmations for the season were in order. So, without further ado...

Woohoo Mommy's Positive Affirmations for December:

  • I have enough for myself and my family, and I have enough to give. Even if I don't have money to buy the things I would like for my friends and family, I can use what I have to create gifts and joyful memories. Often my joyful presence is the only thing I need to bring. I can also write thoughtful notes and cards, make healthy and delicious food, and give away things I don't need with joy and love.
  • I am calm in a busy season. I remember to notice the little things - the colors of the sky while the sun is setting, the feel of cool air against my skin, a drop of rain or a snowflake melting on my face, the warmth and soft touch of a blanket or scarf against my skin. 
  • I continue to take excellent care of myself, even when I'm busy. I attend to all of my body, from my head to my toes. I keep myself clean and pay special attention to all the little details, like my hairstyle and my nails. Preparing myself makes me feel confident and terrific.
  • I am happy and joyful. I spread smiles and words of love to others. I sing and hum. I enjoy my life.
  • I work hard in all that I do, and my hard work is paying off. I have faith that even though I may not seem to be getting recognized right now, people are noticing or will in the near future notice my efforts.
  • I remember to savor the little moments. I take pictures often of my family and loved ones. I enjoy being with the people who are close in my life.
  • I am making an effort to stay in shape and get exercise, even when the weather is not the best. I enjoy staying active. It relieves my stress and gives me more energy. It makes it easier to deal with stressors in my life. I enjoy moving my body and feeling my breath and pulse quicken.
  • I shake off the little things that people do which hurt or annoy me. I believe that other people want the best for me; they do not mean to hurt me. They are dealing with their own stress and are not as good at handling it as I am. They show me how not to be to others. I know that I will not pass along their negative reactions to others. Though I may not forget what they have done, I forgive them. I give them space to change their ways and do better. I keep myself open to their growth and reformation. I expect them to be better and to leave their negative ways behind them. In every new situation, I treat them as if they are sorry for what they've done in the past and are working to be better, even if they cannot apologize or admit fault.
  • I am still making an effort to get outside regularly. It may be colder, but I know that my body warms up quickly with movement. I especially make an effort to get out on nicer days, knowing they will be more scarce in the coming months. I take walks in nature, on paths and trails. I ride my bike, skateboard or roller blade. Nature feeds my creativity and my soul; even when there are no longer leaves on the trees, there is beauty in nature.
  • I enjoy losing myself in creative endeavors. Decorating, scrap-booking, writing, making art and gifts and any creative application of myself is fun and worthy of my time. I do it for others as well as for myself.
  • Relaxation is a wonderful thing for me to be doing in this season. It lets me unwind and prepare for a new day. I can just sit with a book or watch a TV show without feeling that I need to be doing something else. Snuggling under a blanket or curling up by the fire with a loved one makes us both feel amazing. We are creating beautiful memories that we will both be thankful for later. Other things can wait.
  • As the year comes to a close, I look back with compassion at myself and others. I acknowledge how far we have come, although we may have far to go. I appreciate the memories and joy I have made for myself and others. I think about the good things I have done. I look forward to how I can better myself in the future without feeling bad about myself. I release regrets and I forgive myself for my failures. I look forward to changing and growing over the coming year.
I hope these affirmations help you with your holiday season. Let me know if you have more that you would like to add!
