Notes on CPR

Infant and Adult CPR

***This post is only a collection of notes to help remind us of CPR procedures between classes. It is not meant to replace CPR training.

An infant is a baby 1 year old and under.

1) The first rule is always prevention. Use the 1-hand rule: keep 1 hand on the baby at all times.

2) Early CPR. * usually respitory - choking or drowning
5 cycles (30 compressions, then 2 breaths) for 2 minutes, then call 911.
1 and a half inches deep. Use 2 fingers  120 beats per minutes, or as fast as possible. Place mouth over their mouth and nose.

3) Call 911. Be very specific. If you can, have one person call. Tell one person specifically (Sarah, or you in the blue polka dot dress) to call 911. Tell them to come back with an AED (if available) and tell them to come back and tell them what 911 said.

Adult CPR
Check the scene. Am I safe?

Check for responsiveness.

5-10 second scan head to waist. Look for signs of breathing and color - red/purple/gray.

If no signs, start CPR immediately.

Get on a flat, hard surface (not a bed or sofa. )

Lock fingers. Use heels at nipple line and sternum. Keep fingertips up. Push straight down 1/3 the depth of the chest  (~2 inches)

Start with one hand, use 2 if necessary.
Pump 120 beats per minute.
Allow full chest recall to let heart refill. Let off after compression, but don't remove hand entirely. Keep hands on chest.

For Choking:
Recognize the universal sign for choking (hands around throat.)
Ask "are you choking?" If they can answer they aren't really choking.
Do not hit them on the back.
Send 911 caller. (Be specific.)
Be calm and talk them through it.
Kneel down behind child, or if adult, stand behind with your feet in between their feet.
Feel for belly button. Horizontally make a fist just above belly button.
Pull upward in letter-J motion (in and up,) twisting wrist.
Continue until object pops or or person passes out.

If they pass out, ease them to the floor, protecting head and neck.
If you are alone, call 911 when they lose consciousness.

Then start CPR. 30 compressions, hook and look (index finger under chin, thumb in lip, open mouth and look for object. Remove if you can see it,) 2 breaths.

If their chest doesn't rise, reposition head.

After object is removed, scan again. CPR until professional arrives.

Infant Choking:
Hold head in hand.
Place top finger on nipple, slide to center, lift off ring finger and use ring and middle finger.
Chin lifted very slightly, nose to ceiling.
Give baby only enough to fill your cheeks.

Grab by cheeks, opening mouth. Place baby across arms with head down. Give 5 back slaps with heel of hand. Sandwich hands and flip to other arm.
Give CPR in arm.
Keep flying till pop out or pass out.
